We complete the last part of this study, which dealt with its former parts with real facts and problems for the city of Mosul Alhadbaa that suffered from, these problem continued to this day, we are continuing the last part in order to highlight as much as possible of the fundamental problems faced by the province, we will complete the remaining of the most important of these things
1- University of Mosul:
Here, we mentioned the University of Mosul in particular, and what is really meant is to address the reality of university education in the governorate and why this ancient university has a stature that surpassed in reality the borders of the country to neighboring countries, and today we find many doctors and engineers, holders of degrees and prestigious specialties in the Arab world who are graduates of the University of Mosul and are really proud of that and they mention it whenever the opportunity arises for this.
The first building blocks for the University of Mosul was in 1959 AD, which is the year in which the Faculty of Medicine presented its first academic year in Mosul, but the University of Mosul appeared to be an educational scientific institution established on the ground go back to the year 1967 AD, the day on which the decision (14) was issued For establishing an Iraqi university in the name of – University of Mosul over an area to include twenty colleges, (7) research centers, (6) consulting offices, five clinics, hospitals, six museums, and a number of public and administrative directorates and universities. Mosul seeks the goals of higher education in Iraq, which is a group of studies of scientifically qualified national cadres in a hundred scientific specializations, the movement of scientific research in society, the level of cadres, the University of Mosul grants bachelor’s degrees, higher diplomas, professional diplomas, masters and doctorates in one hundred scientific specializations distributed in different fields of specialization of different departments of the university.
The university issued the first Arab astronomical calendar since the Abbasid era and one of the four most important global calendars. Parts of the annual calendar have been issued since the year 2000 AD. The area of the first center of the University of Mosul is estimated at 5285 hectares, in addition to the area of the College of Agriculture and Forestry of 4101 hectares and the area of the second university center is estimated at 2,296 hectares, including professorships, and the area of the Faculty of Medicine is estimated at 8517 square meters
As for the years that followed in 2003, the University of Mosul was exposed to the poor security conditions and deteriorating services to which the various universities in the country were exposed.
A systematic campaign of assassinations affected the teaching staff and scientific institutions at the university, which led to the displacement of many faculty and students to other universities inside the country, especially the Kurdistan region, or outside the country, and it is worth mentioning in that period that the University of Mosul formed a refuge and a haven for many students in various Governorates, due to the poor security conditions and the deterioration of services in their governorates
As for the stage that followed the fall of Mosul, by what called the “Islamic State organization” the university faced a massive destruction, where 15 buildings were destroyed for partial destruction, colleges of which were completely destroyed, including the College of Medicine and the College of Dentistry. The library was completely destroyed, as well as the university house. the Iraqi forces in 2017 were able to Imposing its control over the building of the University of Mosul after fierce organized battles,
Since ISIS takeover of Mosul in June 2014, the organization has taken laboratories of the university of Mosul as a place to prepare weapons and war ammunition.
2- The agricultural sector in the governorate:
Agriculture in Nineweh is characterized by diurnal agriculture. Due to the presence of large areas suitable for cultivation, the bulk of it has been allocated to the cultivation of wheat and barley crops, as well as cotton, reed, yellow corn, sunflowers, vegetables, legumes, oilseeds and forages. After the opening of the irrigation projects, the cultivated areas began to expand, and Nineveh is considered one of the first provinces for grain production in Iraq
It is worth mentioning that Nineweh was one of the most productive agricultural areas in Iraq before the arrival of the so-called Islamic State, as it used to produce about 1.5 million tons of wheat annually, or equivalent to 21 percent of Iraq’s total wheat production and 32 percent of barley production, but challenges remain. Continuing to this day, as the agricultural sector suffers from government negligence and poor farmers’ ability to compensate for their losses caused by successive conflicts and wars, and it is a strange paradox that Mosul, with its enormous potential for developing agriculture and agricultural production, would cover the needs of a large part of the country if invested properly.
3- Hospitals and the health system:
The health infrastructure in Mosul was severely damaged, especially since the organization did not hesitate to use it as headquarters for its militants during the battles, which exposed it to a constant aerial and artillery bombardment, as some hospitals were destroyed by 80 percent and others by rates ranging between 40 and 60 percent, and we do not forget the problem of the shortage of medicines, the power cuts and the shortage of equipment were the most important challenges facing this sector. These were not the only dilemmas for this sector. As we have indicated in a previous study of the health situation in the country and what has been exposed to it in terms of destruction and mismanagement over the past 17 years and still. previously Mosul Hospital was formed One of the most important medical destinations in the country, since its establishment, due to the availability of a medical staff that was the best in its time

4- Displaced people in the governorate

The battles that took place in Mosul over the course of three years constituted a wave of displacement, which is one of the largest in the history of Iraq and the region. Many of the people of the province lost their homes due to the battles and the constant bombardment. For them either to kill under the weight of battles or go to the camps and save their lives. International organizations recorded varying numbers of displaced people who became homeless and without the simplest ingredients for a decent life, and the suffering did not end at this extent, and after the expulsion of the barbaric organization, they became under the weight of the influential militias in the city, which are managed by many of the heads of corruption in Iraq in general and the city in particular.
This was a simple overview of what happened and is happening until this moment in a province that is considered one of the two hearts of Iraq, Mosul and Basra. Will we soon witness the return of life to a governorate that was once its heart? or will the government of the parties continue the same approach?


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