The current situation in Iraq and the safety valve of the political process!

What the country is experiencing today from a real and unprecedented political battle between the parties of the distorted political process calls us to stop and take a real and objective look at what is going on in the country and extract certain points through which we can extrapolate the future that awaits the people of the country.
First of all, the real follower of the events that took place during the last period, including demonstrations, demands, resignations of political currents, and the departure of young people to the squares and streets, demanding a “homeland” in which they can at least live, and all the uproar that followed that occurred and then looking at the reality now, it is really shocking because the obvious that does not accept There is no doubt that the matter of Iraq is not in the hands of the Iraqis, nor in the hands of the politicians and their parties, even and the evidence for that despite all the suffering we have mentioned, all the existing political parties, without excluding any party, return to us, to come out with a copy that is the worst among governments since 2003. Judgments on the current government formation, and here we cannot now mention the popular proverb that says “the same bowl, the same pigeon.” The same people who were involved in displacement, the fall of cities into the hands of terrorist groups, the endless corruption cases, the prisons full of innocents, the dilapidated infrastructure and lost sovereignty among neighboring countries, are returning themselves to form a government It is expected from them to get the country out of countless crises.
As for the safety valve of the political process, what is meant by it is, without a hint, the leader of the Sadrist movement, who really acts as an outlet for the popular pressure that is generated from time to time, as we have seen in previous times and this time as well. Al-Sadr and his leader to absorb this anger with resonant slogans and then hand the country over to the politicians to complete their accepted approach.

In conclusion, and only as a reminder with regard to the Al-Kazemi government:
1- An abject failure in managing service and security files, until the government’s greatest achievement was paving some streets as electoral propaganda for some politicians.

2-Failure to implement the economic agreements on the ground that were signed with neighboring countries in the resonant summits that were held. Here we leave the question open what is the fate of these investment agreements!!???

3- The devaluation of the dinar and its direct impact on the citizen.

4- Not to hold any corrupt accountable, and not to open any real corruption file since the first day

5- The arrival of special job grades to 6000 degrees, representing 40% of the budget, salaries, unemployment and job slack eliminating a large part of the Iraqi social fabric.

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