Demographic change in the modern history of Iraq (the Faili Kurds)

Faili Kurds are one of the components of the Iraqi fabric and among the most oppressed since the establishment of the Iraqi state to 2003 and even after 2003, and they were not treated fairly compared to what happened to them during the past decades. Faili Kurds live in border areas in Diyala and Wasit governorates, in Sulaymaniyah, Halabjah and areas of Baghdad. The other section lives in the western regions of Iran. They are Shiite Muslims and speak a language different from the Kurdish language spoken in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Faili Kurds were subjected to forced displacement from their areas, deportation and stripping of Iraqi citizenship, which affected a large number of them. The situation even reached the forced divorce and separation of husbands on charges of dependence on Iran, which caused them great problems at the family, social and economic level, and a large part of them lost their money and interests in Iraq. This was due to the material and political interests of influential figures in the government at the time – unfortunately. After the year 2003, Failis became divided between supporters of the central government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government. The reason for this is due to several things, including tribalism, geographical division, and intellectual mixing between their ideological and national thought, and this division is one of The most important reasons that did not enable them to obtain their entitlements and return their stolen rights during the past decades, and most of them adhere to the Iraqi national identity.

The lack of agreement among the politicians among them after the year 2003 led to the dispersal of the votes of the electorate and their lack of adequate representation in the central government. In addition, the Kurdistan government did not allocate a quota for the Feyin Kurds, at least, like the other minorities in Kurdistan, and they did not have a military wing like the other components until ISIS occupied Large areas of Iraq, so they established an armed faction led by Sheikh Adnan Shafi to fight the terrorist organization ISIS, and their fighters showed high degrees of courage, discipline and professionalism,

In addition to all of the above, they do not have any external support that strengthens their position, like other components, which led to making them a maneuvering card between the ruling Shiite parties and the Kurdistan government.

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