We have already talked in the past two parts about the actual definition of Caesar’s Act and the main issues on which the law is based, as well as the effects of the law on the Iraqi reality, the possibility of its application and the possibilities of its impact on the Iraqi arena.

As for today, we will continue to talk about the extensions of the law’s impact on the neighboring countries of Syria and how the adoption of the law led to a real apparent impact on the ground.

As for today, we will continue to talk about the extensions of the law’s impact on the neighboring countries of Syria and how the adoption of the law led to a real apparent impact on the ground.

Especially in Lebanon, after the law was passed, the Lebanese political scene was in a state of panic
Although the law in its clear form targets the Syrian regime, the regime in Syria would not have survived without the presence of real support from its allies in the region, especially Hezbollah in Lebanon, which made the law deeply affect the general situation in the country, where Lebanese companies formed an actual front for support. Provided by Hezbollah and on wide sectors and within very close relations that included major and basic sectors such as fuel and various energy sectors instead of military support with personnel and equipment and facilitating the movement of funds in and out of Syria through these interfaces. Of course, the relations between Syria and Lebanon are closely linked
Where, until today, the actual demarcation of the borders between the two countries has not taken place, which facilitates the smuggling operations taking place at all levels. It is also known that Lebanese banks are filled with billions of dollars of Syrian capital, which became withheld prior to the crisis that Lebanon is currently witnessing, as well as for Lebanese companies that are not concerned with the conflict. For it, Syria is a purely economic destination that has been directly affected by Caesar’s law, and it is clear that the Syrian market has become the tip of the scales in the confrontation with America upon entry into it.

Lebanon suffered from this situation both internally and externally. On the one hand, the presence of the law coming from abroad, and on the other hand, Hezbollah’s control over major joints in the state. To give an example of this a year ago, the Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon stated that Lebanon loses 4 billion US dollars every year. As a result of the smuggling process to Syria.

In the light of what is happening today, many fingers turned to Caesar’s law, the fruits of which are clear and evident on the Lebanese scene, according to what we see of the current collapse. Is the target of Caesar’s law really the Assad regime, or is it a pressure card to mix cards in the area surrounding Syria?


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