As we have already mentioned in the previous study about the main formula of Caesar’s Act and the main axes of this law, we will address in this study the connection that the law may include and the possibility of its application in Iraq and its inclusion of Iraqi entities participating in the Syrian conflict.

According to the text of the law, whoever provides support at all levels to the Syrian government is liable to be covered by Caesar’s Act. In the case of this law, it is more effective if it is fully implemented than any law issued within the Security Council in terms of speed of implementation and desired results. On the ground, the armed factions Supporting the Syrian government will not be affected by the law, or in a more precise sense, it will not leave the Syrian lands, but the law will provide the necessary guarantees for the absence of any new intervention.
According to observers in this regard, the Iraqi factions participating in the conflict on the ground are originally violating Iraqi sovereignty and law, which makes them liable to accountability inside Iraq if the state manages to impose part of its prestige. On the other hand, it absolves the Iraqi government of responsibility before the international community, since the participating factions are outside the state.

At the present time, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are all awaiting the fate of the sanctions coming from America, whether through the “Caesar Act” or through the report submitted by the Security Affairs Committee of the American Republican Party and its recommendations to protect the United States, and a large part of it has been devoted to confronting Iranian threats. And punish the factions loyal to it, whether in Iraq, Syria or Lebanon.

With regard to Iraq specifically, the report of the Study Committee of the Republican Party in the US Congress included several factions loyal to Iran and considered them as arms to represent the agendas of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the region. Examples of these factions are the Badr Organization led by Hadi al-Amiri, Imam Ali Brigades, Saraya al-Khorasani, and Sayyid Al-Shahada Brigades, Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas Brigade, Al-Awfaa Movement, Jund al-Islam Movement, and Ashura Brigades.

It is worth noting that these factions and others loyal to them signed a statement in April 2020 pledging to confront the United States, which made all these factions under the microscope for the American government.
The question here remains, if Caesar’s Act is actually applied, what will its consequences be on Iraq and will it lead to a clash between armed factions and state agencies??


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