Baghdad, the capital city of Rashid and the city of peace, was built by the Abbasids as the capital of their land they rule, and today it is the capital and the largest city of Iraq, it is the second largest Arab city and the fourth most populous Islamic capital. It was conquered by the Mongols, the Safavids, the English and the Americans.
Location: Baghdad is located in the center of Iraq on the Tigris River in the middle of the main Iraqi cities to the north and south. It has an area of ​​ 660 square kilometers, and the Tigris River divides it into two parts, “Al-Karkh” in the western part and “Rusafa” in the eastern part.
The importance of Baghdad’s location lies in the availability of water and the lack the risk of floods, which historically led to the expansion and increase of its influence, in addition to the ease of connection of the two sections of the river in it with bridges linking Karkh with Rusafa, also it is considered as a link between Turkey, Syria, India and Southeast Asia. Perhaps this was a simple introduction to the history of the city which is known by the people of Iraq. as for the focus of our conversation today is Baghdad after April 9, 2003.
Throughout the ages, Baghdad has been subjected to invasion and various attacks, and perhaps the most important reason for this is its unique location and the influence that controlling this city offers beyond Iraq and even extends to the region in general.
At the date we have mentioned above, Baghdad was subjected to the fall by the American forces, that have overthrown the ruling regime at that time and Preparing for ruling system in which people were optimistic about it, and the reason why some were optimistic is what the country went through in terms of successive wars and a severe siege that lasted 13 years, but… was that right?!
Baghdad, the city whose name has always been associated with scholars, writers and thinkers, has become the worst city to live in the world, according to the classification of many study centers concerned with this matter, and even continues for the tenth year in a row, and the matter is clear that no one needs to confirm its authenticity. Baghdad has suffered and is still suffering from the presence of political parties in power and here are some examples:
Baghdad, whose people had never known a religious difference as well as a sectarian difference, has lived a state of catastrophic almost reaching to a state of a civil wars. Which, if it were not for the cohesion between young people and awareness of Iraqi youth in particular, the situation today would be frightening,
The events were marked by kidnappings and murders based on identity,
displacement operations and demographic change, targeting markets and crowded areas, and battles broke out in various parts of the capital and in full view of the government and even with support for armed groups, directly and indirectly and the evidence for this is abundant and is not hidden by anyone. The result of this conflict and the result of the continuous feeding of it by the political parties together, without exception, that many people of the country and almost every street became devastated and every family has solace.

The service reality
In a city that is one of the oldest and most ancient cities in the world and the capital that is floating on a sea of oil, it is really disgraceful to talk about services, but…
What the political parties have really left in Baghdad is a shameful service reality, of course the list is long:
Electricity: the great dilemma in Iraq in general, and of course in Baghdad, “the capital,” Dear reader. Several reports indicate that the amount of sums that were spent on electricity in the country between 2006 and 2017, and over 11 years, is estimated at 29 billion US dollars. . This number constitutes the budget of four neighboring countries, yes this amount and I repeat here what was announced is what the government spent on electricity, we go back to the focus of our conversation, Baghdad, which suffers from a severe shortage of electricity, in fact we are in the year 2021 and in a country that is supposed to have enormous potentials, it is shame Really to talk about electricity shortage.
Health: In fact, hospitals and the health sector in Baghdad have been suffering for 17 years. Huge sums were spent to build twenty large hospitals, of which only 4 have operate, and this is according to an Iraqi parliamentarian.
The existing hospitals currently suffer from a loss of quality control, a loss of the ability to provide the necessary care, and in addition to that, from massive overcrowding due to the increase in numbers and the lack of hospitals, and everyone saw what happened and is currently happening because of the Corona virus in hospitals, especially the capital, Baghdad.
According to new statistics by United Nations centers, 10% of the Iraqi population lives in slums, and Baghdad has a large proportion of this total. Baghdad, according to the Ministry of Planning, has 1,000 densely populated informal areas whose residents suffer from the lack of the lowest level of services and from a frightening deterioration of living.
Here some may say that what has been mentioned above is a known matter that is not new, and this is a reality, but is it possible that the matter remains known without seeing a single seed of change???

In fact, the list is long, perhaps this is the most important thing that we have been able to address today, and we know with certainty that it is not hidden from the people of Baghdad in particular and Iraq in general. Perhaps, when we remember these words, we know with certainty the reason that prompted Iraqi youth to go out and sleep in the streets in search of “homeland.”….


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