– It is not hidden from the honorable reader that Iraq is a country with a sectarian, religious and national plurality since ancient times. it is natural for some problems to occur here and there due to this multiplicity and social conditions, customs and traditions followed, but it did not have a religious, sectarian or national character ….

– After the year 1991, the withdrawal of the Iraqi forces from Kuwait, the departure of the southern and northern governorates (Kurdish regions) from government control in Baghdad, and after that the re-establishment of government control in Baghdad over all governorates with an agreement with the Kurds to activate self-rule and their departure from government control in Baghdad, the regime turned The ruler at that time to implement the so-called Faith Campaign in order to reduce popular tension against the government due to the great losses after the withdrawal from Kuwait and the frustration that befell the people due to the imposition of the blockade, and the focus was on the teachings of the Islamic religion at all academic levels … in addition to officials and members of the Baath Party Al-Iraqi was banned from serving alcoholic drinks in all tourist facilities in the country. Nevertheless, most people remained as normal, except for some signs of forming a nucleus of the Salafi thought and the Islamic Party in Iraq, which is considered a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood (Alakhwan) …. and some Sufi movements supported by the deputy President Azza Al-Douri …
– In 2002, signs of war on Iraq began to appear under the leadership of the United States and Britain, so many Arab fighters volunteered to fight in Iraq, and most of them had experience of combat in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation, and some of them fought in Afghanistan after the events of September 2001, so the government established camps to receive them in the Baghdad belt areas. The Arab volunteers participated in important battles during the war and sacrificed many deaths. After the end of the war, waves of fighters began to flow into Iraq from every direction. A part of the Sunni Arabs with a deviant ideology or those with a bad reputation or who bought a handful of money were organized for them. The factions with takfirist ideology, in the forefront of which is al-Qaeda, which killed the Sunni Arab regions, and this organization received financial and logistical support from a regional state and implemented agendas carefully drawn to further destroy the Iraqi fabric before the destruction of the country and a dark chapter in the history of the race began, which is sectarian fighting and identity killing at the hands of Al Qaeda. On the one hand, militias hide in the Shiite cloak, and they are innocent until this organization was eliminated by the American forces, the Iraqi army and the Awakening Councils The component of the Sunni Arabs lost most of its important leaders, headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and the remnants of this organization fled to the Anbar desert and the Hamrin Mountains, and the situation remained somewhat stable with the presence of car bombs, suicide bombers and explosive devices here and there …
– In 2014, a peaceful Sunni movement began demanding the central government for some points, including service , security, and to stop the random arrests of their children. soon they turned into sit-in tents in most Sunni areas in Iraq. These sit-ins were funded by certain countries with money and the media, and after an escalation by the two parties, increases in hostilities and terrorist acts against The government quickly broke out of several Sunni provinces from the control of the government and the Iraqi army, and was dominated by the Islamic State (ISIS) and other Iraqi factions. The Iraqi army, who were left by their leaders who fled, face their inevitable fate, and here began to give us a new and very dangerous in the history of Iraq, not just the Sunnis. As a result of the collapse of large units of the Iraqi army, all their military equipment was in the hands of ISIS, and the establishment of states was announced The Islamic militant group in Iraq and Syria formed an international alliance led by the United States of America to eradicate ISIS, and Sunni areas witnessed fierce battles that completely destroyed the infrastructure and large areas, not to mention the large losses among civilians and a large wave of displacement from them to Baghdad and the refugee camps, and the humanitarian situation was clear to them. It is dear to it … It is worth noting that the situation of a large number of these displaced people is very miserable today, and after more than three years of fighting, the organization was expelled from all the important areas that it controlled and withdrew to the desert and some mountainous areas as it was previously due to the difficulty of targeting it there …
The question remains, will a new organization emerge from the remnants of this organization, which is more lethal, organized and planned than the previous one? What is the fate of the displaced who were unable to return to their areas for several reasons? Are the international and local powers not aware of the seriousness of the consequences of this situation in the near future? Or is it part of the scheme to divide and eliminate Iraq …
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