Iran deals with its Arab Shiite allies in the countries of the region in very different manner that it deals with its Arab Shiite allies in Iraq. For example, Iran deals with its Shiite allies in Lebanon with respect and confidence, because they possess political maturity and take advantage of opportunities as they are friends and allies of Iran, but they put their interests first, and they are able to make Initiatives and alliances without fully returning to Iran As for Iraq, Iran deals with its Shiite allies in the authority without respect and does not trust them.

It deals with them with caution and reluctance. They were not known as creators of solutions, but they are crisis and corruption makers, as well as many of them are infiltrators …. Which embarrassed even the Iranians themselves and caused them great losses in Iraq and the region …. That was a reason for them to get great opposition and rejection inside Iraq and within the Iraqi Shiite environment itself …. Embarrassing the national Shiite elites in front of their public base and the world.

Iran began to feel anxious, embarrassed, and tired of the Shiites of the authority in Iraq, because they do not quickly assimilate them, and they are like a bad student who needs indoctrination and control …. they are not good at differentiating between the sacred national situation and the state of alliance for reasons of utilitarianism, neighborhood, friendship or economic alliance! After all of the above, the Shiites in Iraq are suffering from dangerous fragmentation, and there is a dangerous international and regional interference in the affairs of the Shiites. Some of them are accused of having secret relations with Israel. the Shiites of the authority in Iraq work based on personal, family, factional and partisan interests, and the country does not come on their list of priorities …. As for the Iraqi Shiite citizen, they do not mention them until three weeks before the elections raining them with racist and slave gifts, boasting about this on the media and the Shiite official in Iraq deals with the Shiite public with superiority, disdain and inferiority on the grounds that they are from another planet.

In this reality, Iran bears the responsibility at a high rate because it is the one who imposed and strengthened these group in Iraq, as well as America, the capitals of the region and Israel bear a great responsibility to consolidate this deteriorating situation among the Shiites and Sunnis. This situation deteriorated more by giving the Kurds sovereignty over both sides ruling a state and a half leaving the rest of the country for fighting 24/7 resulting in putting the Iraqi citizen in the bottom of their interest list! The Iraqi Shiite citizen’s confidence in the Shiite parties has been lost (perhaps there are Iraqi ideological segments, beneficiaries, working in institutions or the followers of Shiite officials loyal to some parties of Shiite officials), but the great majority of Shiites in Iraq do not trust at all in the Shiite official, and they will not be convinced that the Shiite official defends the rights of the Shiites Regarding Iraq, as they defend their personal, partisan and financial interests only.

Also, there is a conviction among the great majority of Shiite and Sunni Arabs that the political class is a corrupt class and must be eradicated from the political process in Iraq, There are broad national Shiite segments that love Iraq, having the ability to make solutions and bringing Iraq out of its crises … There are Shiite competencies with various specializations, professions and trades who want to work for free, but the Shiites of the authority and the rulers of the country do not allow this … This broad Shiite spectrum rejects slavery and subordination to states regardless of their type, name and location, but this very broad spectrum is ruled by the Shiites of the authority with iron and fire, starvation, ignorance and cutting off livelihoods, even if the matter calls for an attempt by them to continue the corrupt approach and their control over the country’s capabilities without being concerned with the fate of its sons, but their sordid dreams will soon evaporate And the Shiite spectrum that loves their homeland and is loyal to their religion and faith will return to control the Shiite community, which has reached a degree of unbearable suffering.


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