It is no secret to the honorable reader that since the overthrow of the Shah’s rule in Iran, the arrival of the current regime to power, the hostility and intrigue between the two countries, and the indirect wars between them, whether by supporting the regime in Iraq during the 8-year war and then supporting the regime in Yemen in the fight against the Houthis , leading to a direct war against The Houthis in Yemen, with the aim of ending the Iranian presence, this war that lasted 6 years and did not achieve any positive result, except for human and material losses, the spread of diseases among the Yemeni people, and the exorbitant bill.
In more than one official Saudi statement, and from the top of the hierarchy of power, it has been emphasized that no negotiation can take place with the Iranian regime, and that the Iranians sponsor terrorism, etc., and it is easy for the reader to refer to it.

Now we see a complete reversal in these statements and that Iran is a neighboring Muslim country that must be cooperated with after Saudi Arabia was burdened with missile attacks and drones that exhausted Saudi Arabia and cost the kingdom’s budget huge sums of money and disrupted the actual capacity of the Saudi weapon force and reached sensitive and very important places that were not included in the Saudi accounts.
And Iraq began – at a Saudi request – to mediate in the negotiations between the two sides, and we see some important announced visits to Iraq from Saudi officials to meet their Iranian counterparts, and others unannounced, and it is clear that the negotiations are going well, especially after the bombing of Saudi Arabia from Yemen or from (neighboring countries) has stopped.

The major change in the Saudi attitude must be read and analyzed. Here, several questions remain for the honorable reader :
Is Saudi Arabia unable to continue the war and achieve the desired victory?? !!

Has Saudi Arabia reached the conviction that the United States of America is no longer supportive of its policies and has begun to abandon them?

Or does Saudi Arabia feel that it has emerged from the competition for leadership with Iran over the supremacy of the Islamic world, and that Turkey came as an alternative player in the future conflict??


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