In light of the developments witnessed by the region in general, and Iraq in particular, with regard to the political arena of these countries, and in light of the lack of clarity and uncertainty in political decisions around the world, we put in your hands a summary of the tripartite Baghdad summit and what is expected to result from it:

1- The presence of Arab leaders in Baghdad after the protocol meeting, to represent a new era initiated by both Egypt and Jordan. The Iraqis and Arabs have long awaited it, as they restore the image of the brothers who flocked to Baghdad with messages of dialogue and understanding, the last of which was at the 1990 summit, which witnessed unprecedented tension in arab to arab relations in the past , the crisis between Iraq and Kuwait at that time was not resolved peacefully and ended with Saddam’s invasion and his stay in it for six months. It ended with a war that destroyed everything and entered Iraq into the isolation of the siege, the invasion and the occupation later
2- The current (June) summit in Baghdad, which Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi began attending as he set foot in Iraq, to ​​be recorded as the first Egyptian president to come in 30 lean years, received with a standing ovation in Baghdad, officially and popularly. The same is true of King Abdullah II, who sent a message the day before his arrival with a visit to The shrine of the companion Jaafar bin Abi Talib in the Jordanian Karak gave an Iraqi relief.
3- The summit was achieved after it was postponed due to compelling circumstances in the three capitals, Baghdad, where the explosions and the attack on the headquarters of the presidencies and Amman, with the arrests it witnessed, in what the authorities describe as the “issue of sedition” and Cairo with the terrorist incidents that followed it, and some thought that this promised summit would not take place and is preceded by all These preliminaries, but a determined Arab will moved that summit. It is believed that behind it is not the three countries that were represented by the arrival of their leaders, but rather an Arab Gulf consensus that supports the effectiveness and feasibility of including Iraq to its Arab surroundings again and extending a helping hand and support to it after the danger increased and non-Arab countries were alone in its decision, which are the outcomes And the results of the occupation in 2003 and the difficult repercussions it had on the Iraqi people threatened their existence and displaced their people after foreign interventions made Iraq a battlefield for their agendas and interests together.
4- This project, in its economic dimension, simulates the European Common Market, as Al-Kazemi described it during his recent visit to the United States as a strategic work entitled “The New Levant.” It is expected that Iraq, Egypt and Jordan will sign agreements to implement giant economic projects in the fields of energy, transportation, commercial investments and the exchange of labor, especially From Egypt, whose millions of people have already lived in Iraq for work, production, education and other sectors, especially since the Egyptians had extensive experience during the seven years that will benefit both parties.
Egypt has been able to produce electric power and has a surplus as well as Jordan, which has expressed its willingness to transport Iraqi oil by pipeline that extends from the latter to Aqaba on the sea.
5- The political atmosphere in Baghdad was not free from the opposition of many political forces to the real dimensions of this summit, especially the forces directly linked to Iran. Some specialized economic voices in Iraq also questioned the feasibility of cooperation that will result from the meeting of the leaders of the three countries, foremost of which is Iraq, which seeks to look at a Political break from the economics portal.

6- The tripartite summit, which focused on its economic feasibility of investment, was filled with ministers’ discussions on many and comprehensive files,especially the security aspect, which is likely that the three countries that suffered from terrorism that struck their cities made them seek to gain great experience in understanding ways to confront it, in addition to facilitating the work and transfer of labor Among them, communications and transportation, and opening up the prospects for partnership with the Arab environment, which completes the unity and cooperation of these countries.
7- The project is planned to extend from the west of Lake Tharthar, northwest of the capital, Baghdad, and extend through Anbar Governorate to the port of Aqaba on the Red Sea. Egypt will begin planning the route of the pipeline extending from Aqaba to Sinai via the sea, according to experts’ expectations.
It is worth noting that the energy sector in Egypt is currently facing real challenges, as subsidies for petroleum products decreased by 46 percent at the beginning of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, according to the “Oil Price” website, which made Egypt stick to this announcement.
In conclusion, over the course of eighteen years, we have not seen real accession or actual integration of Iraq into its Arab environment, and the reasons that led to that are many. Will the tripartite summit be the actual gateway to this integration?


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