After the end of the First World War and the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne, the shape of the Turkish state changed radically, and many conditions were imposed on it that limited its exploitation of economic resources and the development of military industries and some other sensitive industries. After nearly 98 years since this treaty, which only two years left to its end, the Turks are approaching today from the beginning A new stage of the Turkish state, and it is possible to predict what will happen in the future based on several important matters, including the political, industrial, military and economic approach of Turkey during the past 20 years. We note the important qualitative shifts on these levels, which the Turks will take advantage of it on the ground, which will form a cornerstone in all the upcoming negotiations and will make them a major and important player not only at the regional level, but also globally.
As for the military level:
Despite the important geographical location of Turkey, it is considered a triangle of Caucasian-Balkan-Middle Eastern crises , so today we see the Turkish army has bases in important countries in the region and holds ground in other countries through it or through armed militias from these countries and it is possible to consider this as a nucleus for establishing an army similar to the army The Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire,
It has a base in the State of Qatar and Sudan, and it has an important presence and great control on the ground in Libya, which gives it an important space in the Mediterranean off the European coasts and the north-west of Syria and implicitly in the north-east of Syria, and it is worth noting the victory achieved by Azerbaijan in its war with Armenia, which Turkey confirmed Being an important player in the region, in addition to the fact that the formation of this war is free propaganda for the quality of Turkish weapons, and we do not neglect to mention that the first Turkish aircraft carrier will enter service in the Turkish army soon.

The economic level:
The volume of Turkish exports reached during 2020
$ 169.5 billion
And in the forefront of importing countries are the United States, Israel and South Korea
With a very high self-sufficiency rate, it cannot be ignored that the Bosporus Strait is considered one of the most important navigational contract in the world, and a large and important part of global trade passes through it, and the strait is considered among the international waters according to the Treaty of Lausanne, which will end in 2023, and Turkish sovereignty over the strait returns completely. Which will represent a major economic and political addition and a globally important pressure card,

As for the energy sector, the Turks will be able to exploit the natural resources on the maritime borders with Greece and Europe, which Turkey has already started exploring over the past years, which will make them self-sufficient in energy in addition to exporting the surplus.
And passes within Turkish territory pipelines to transport gas from Russia to Europe as it is an important road node within the Chinese Silk Road.

And with regard to effective alliances in the current situation of the region:
Since the establishment of the two modern countries, the relationship between Turkey and Iran has been characterized by a good relationship that is not without some crises that find their way to a solution due to the absence of points of intersection between the two policies at the present time, as well as the expansionist ideas of the two countries.

The relationship between Turkey and Russia is considered a tactical partnership relationship, subject to the circumstances of this stage, with these words we can describe the Turkish-Russian relations, so to speak.

Turkish ambition in the Islamic world:

Everyone knows that the Ottoman Empire ruled very large parts of the Islamic world and important parts of Asia and Europe, and this control ended with the end of the Ottoman Empire after the First World War today and after the qualitative shift of the Turkish state and its ability to play greater roles and compete with the regional powers that lost many of the cards they owned . Rather, competing with the Central Powers themselves on the level of Islamic issues and winning over the people by playing this chord

In conclusion, the region is on the verge of major and important changes that will appear after the end of the Lausanne 2023 Agreement, which will leave a great impact on the new map of the region following the current map, which is a product of the Lausanne Agreement and the Sykes-Picot agreement itself.


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